
Monday, October 29, 2012



Monday, October 22, 2012

For those of you who are here for POLITICAL reasons:


"COMIC RELIEF"~Why doesn't Congress get anything done?

Why doesn't Congress get anything done ?



***** PHOTO *****

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H. David Werder

Candidate for US


Thursday, October 11, 2012

***** bio & profile 2012 *****

If 'you' know anyone else
who might be interested in this,
or who may be able to use this info;
Please forward it to them or let them know about it.

Thank you for your interest in my campaign.

Thanking you in advance for any assistance you may be able to offer in this endeavor.

.......................H.David Werder
...............................................Candidate for US ~ Congress

Florida 2012 Election Center

H. David Werder
Candidate for U.S. House of Representatives
District 11

Birthdate: Feb. 1, 1955
Birth Place: Newton, NJ, United States
Residence: Spring Hill, FL
Religion: Catholic
Gender: Male


Party: Democratic
State: Florida
Office: House
District: District 11
Status: Challenger
Next Election: 2012


Orange County Community College
Undergraduate: Virginia Military Institute
Degree: Attended

David Werder was born in Newton, N.J., and currently resides in Spring Hill, Fla. He attended Virginia Military Institute but did not graduate.
Werder is a disabled former self-employed trucker.
A perennial candidate, Werder ran for mayor of Clearwater in 1981 and has run for the U.S. House, either as a Democrat or as a write-in candidate, seven times including 2012.
Werder is also known as a political protester and flagpole sitter. Werder spent 439 days, 11 hours and six minutes sitting atop a 30-foot flagpole from Nov. 7, 1982, until Jan. 21, 1984, at a Clearwater appliance store to protest the price of gasoline, then $1.20 a gallon.
Werder is single.


David Werder is running for the U.S. House for the seventh time, but he notes 2012 is the first time he didn't have a primary opponent. Werder is challenging incumbent Republican Rep. Rich Nugent in Florida's 11th Congressional District north of Tampa.
Werder has made energy independence his signature issue. Unlike most Democrats he favors more oil drilling "offshore, onshore." He also advocates solar, wind and other renewable energy sources. "I'd like to see it all," he said. As for other issues, Werder said he favors a national health care program rather than the 2010 health care reform bill.
Werder got on the ballot by petition and has not raised any money. He's hoping to emulate tea party favorite Ted Yoho, who unseated 12-term incumbent Rep. Cliff Stearns in the 2012 Republican primary in a neighboring Florida district.
When Werder ran in 2008 state election officials agreed to list him on the ballot as "H. David 'the flagpole sitter' Werder." In 2012, he'll appear without the nickname.
Mr. Werder is an award winning, "Certified" Toastmaster.
He is also a long-standing member of 'ABATE of Florida'; a Florida 'motorcycle-rights' organization.

Jobs, jobs, and more jobs,
Economic prosperity & debt reduction.
Not another recession,
credit downgrade,
or the collapse of medicare, medicaid or social security.

  • Energy independence will give US jobs.

  • We cannot allow the shut down of domestic oil production.
    This would bring the American economy to its' knees.
    The US could become a net exporter of oil & natural gas in the near future.
    America could be energy independent, which would mean jobs & an American Renaissance.
    Rising gas prices will stall any recovery that we anticipate.
    Rising gas prices affect other things like food prices. As fuel costs increase, food prices also increase; along with everything else.

    • It seems to me that when gas prices were hitting $4.00/gal four years ago... That this may have been the trigger that started the real estate bubble bursting.
    • We need to keep down the cost of college tuitions.
    • 'DRIVE WHEN DRIVING', address distractions, such as texting and driving.
    • Gov't should stop writing bills that few read and even fewer understand.
    • Call for the elimination of the electoral college.
    • And every so many years a... "Do you wish to retain this judge vote?" for supreme court justices.
    • Budget proposals should cut spending and taxes.

    • We have a healthcare system that is bankrupting the US like the Titanic.
    • Rx costs are skyrocketing, along with healthcare costs...
      Now and where these insurance costs will be, for healthcare, Rx, homeowners and the like; years down the road if unchecked...
      We need to get profit out of the healthcare industry before it destroys US.

    • If Veterans hospitals are good enough for vets, they are good enough for everyone. (the federal hospital system)
    • I'd like to propose a tripling of the budgets (at a minimum) for the VA hospital systems. The wars will end and even more defense budget money will then be available. These funds can be used to expand the VA system and be used to open even more hospitals.
      Soldiers will be returning home and will need these services.

    • Instead of paying insurance companies, who are in healthcare to make profits;
    • I propose the federal gov't hospital system start seeing ALL people currently having their healthcare insurance paid for by the US gov't. instead of paying private, for profit groups. Instead of throwing money away to overcharging Insurance companies, the gov't could pay themselves and save money for a change.

    • Charge foodstamp recipients if their children are being fed in schools.

      • Am calling for a HOLY WAR against radical extremists.

      People that kill are soldiers, hang them from bridges and dance; People that drag our ambassadors out of their embassies and stomp them to death; people that want death to Americans; are not our friends.
      If they want a Holy War we should give them one...
      Not one with guns and bullets, but one of sanctions and prayer.
      I'm asking any and all who will, to pray. To pray that these radical-extremists will have dreams, and that their dreams will be of "Jesus" ...and that they will become enlightened. These people live in countries where the're dogs have more freedom, rights, and liberties than woman; And this is just not right.

      Running as a democrat, I find I have to defend myself often. Not all democrats are the same.
      I wish to be a fiscally responsible Democrat who believes in
      "Less Gov't...Less Taxes".


      Things my opponent has done wrong.

      I can list things youv'e done wrong since you took office.
      Maybe not all of them...but at least a few.

      Since you took office...
      the economy is worse,
      the unemployment rate is worse,
      our national debt has soared out of sight,
      runaway spending,
      a failure to repeal the Patriot Act,
      a Homeland Security that has overstepped its' boundries,
      and have kept us mired in Wars.
      You have failed to improve conditions for millions of jobless Americans,
      including those who reside in this district.

      It was you and others in Congress...
      that created the debt ceiling
      that caused the downgrading of our countries credit,
      that created policies that coddled and cut taxes for the wealthy.
      It was not the poor that got us into this great recession;
      nor the persistant poor,
      nor the new poor,
      nor the 'working' poor,
      nor the newly jobless poor.
      These are folks who are ignored and rendered invisible.
      They are not poor because they want to be.

      There are approximately 150 million poor and near poor.
      Nearly 1/3 of the American Middle Class has fallen into
      poverty and this has become a crisis.
      You are not a champion for the working class.

      We are currently paying 40 cents interest for every dollar
      We are saddling our children & our childrens' children with
      $50,000 in debt per person, at present.
      You have allowed liabilities that cannot ever be repaid.

      Many previous homeowners in the district walked away from
      far too many houses when banks failed to write down principles
      on homes that had lost value when the housing bubble burst.
      Banks, forclosed, rather than compromise;
      and failed to keep families in place in their bank owned homes.

      At least twice you voted against, and refused to endorse,
      any assistance to homeowners that was sponsored
      by the federal government in the American Recovery Act.

      You failed to stop...
      Homeowners Insurance Rates; that were allowed to go
      thru the roof, unchecked, aidding to and letting in this reign of home losses.
      I've been told you want fewer regulations on Wall Street;
      Which could hurt seniors and retirees,
      as well as the younger population trying to invest for their future.
      You have backed plans that would cut into popular programs.
      You have wanted to radically change medicare.
      You have entertained putting social security funds into the stock market,
      and also the notion of privatizing social security;
      which could risk or put this program and its funds in further jeopardy.

      Since you have been in office representing this district...
      You did pass some revenue reductions
      ...mostly tax breaks for wealthy Americans (1%'s)
      & you have gotten us 7 trillion more dollars in debt.
      This, from a candidate who professes:
      "Less Gov't...Less Taxes".
      "Be Brave......Vote Dave"


      Subject :
      WERDER 4 US ~ CONGRESS *****BIO*****
      BIO has been reformatted so that you can just
      'scroll' down to read it in its entirety

      23 August 2008 4:20pmE
      to: Internet Users , & Information seekers, et. al.

      ..........For your consideration
      ..........For your dissemination
      ..........For your information regarding candidate
      re: Candidate BIO / Info


      This info is being provided for those that
      have 'Web Sites', 'Political Sections' or for those that might just like
      a little more information regarding my political campaign.
      If you do have specific questions that need answered,
      PLEASE, let me know.
      ...Send them to me ASAP.

      Please make sure you note 'how name will appear on ballot'
      & reflect the Fact: I "AM" a qualified candidate !!!
      And... if you deem worthy...and are in a position to be of any help,
      I would appreciate you remembering me !
      With sincerest thanks,
      ................................... Dave

      "BE BRAVE... ...VOTE DAVE"

      E-mail: Werder4UScongress@gmail.com (PUBLIC)
      Manyteapots@msn.com (PRIVATE)
      message contact #-(727)-862-3377 (PRIVATE)

      ~ And now.......

      .............................My BIO

      * Please note: This IS how candidate name will appear on ballot

      * Candidate: WERDER; H. David "the flag-pole sitter"

      Office Seeking:

      U.S. House of Representatives
      Florida's 5th Congressional District

      Party Affiliation: Democrat

      Address: General Delivery, Weeki Wachee, Fl 34606-0000
      NO MAIL SERVICE yet at Present Address
      * Mail Address: mail is c/o: 18419 Whitacre Circle, Hudson, Fla. 34667
      Home Phone Number: ***-***-****
      Business Number: (727)-862-3377
      contact phone (message)

      E-Mail: <Werder4UScongress@gmail.com>

      WEB: Werder4UScongress@blogspot.com

      * 'Watch the story' (2 min.)
      Video: http://www.baynews9.com/content/36/2008/6/27/360675.html
      & 'More about campaign' (link)

      Length in City/State: 19 years / 30 years
      Gender: Male
      Family: Single
      Birth Date: 1 February 1955
      Birthplace: Newton, NJ
      Home City: Weeki Wachee, FL


      Attended, St. Columba School
      Attended, John S. Burke C.H.S.
      Attended, Orange County Comm. College
      Attended, Virginia Military Institute

      Professional Experience:
      DISABLED, since 1993, former truck driver
      Self-employed trucker, 1984-1993
      Flag-pole-sitter 1982-1984 (political protest over price of gasoline)
      Self-employed trucker, 1979-1982
      Security/Protection-Capitol Investigation & Protective, Falls Church, Va.

      Political Experience:

      Candidate, United States House of Representatives, District 5, 2006
      Candidate, United States House of Representatives, District 5, 2004
      Candidate, United States House of Representatives, District 5, 2002
      Candidate, United States House of Representatives, District 9, 1982
      Mayoral Candidate, City of Clearwater FL 1980's


      Organizational member:

      Chamber of Commerce
      ABATE of Florida (Freedom chapter),
      Christian Motorcycle Assoc. (CMA)
      ABATE of Florida (Hillsborough chapter) with Prior ABATE Lobbiests' EndorsementToastmasters International
      Nature Coast Orators
      Democratic Executive Committee of Hernando (DEC)



      Certified Toastmaster with Nature Coast Orators
      Humorous Speech Award with Toastmasters International


      Motorcyclist/Train enthusiast/CarLover*
      *until recently the owner of a red 1909 Horseless Carriage (stolen),
      *$2,000.00 REWARD offered for info leading to my campaign vehicle return

      * My Promise:

      "I promise to give up 1/2 of my salary to help pay for prescription
      drugs for needy seniors, indigent citizens and veterans in the district."
      "I am willing to dedicate myself to the job at hand with the same
      dedication that I showed in my youth, when I sat atop the flag-pole
      in Clearwater, Fl for over a year for the world-record
      (439days,11hours,6min.) without coming down, as a political
      protest over the price of gasoline.
      I thought .99/gal. was to much at the time."

      * The 4 MAIN issues being discussed now seem to be:
      1) The economy
      2) Energy
      3) Healthcare
      4) The War

      "SOME of the issues that need to be addressed NOW are :
      1) Home-owners insurance,
      2) Allowing voters votes to count as intended,
      3)Accurate voting tabulation,
      4) Election & campaign finance reform,
      5) Gerrymandering of district lines,
      6) Fuel Prices,
      7) Healthcare for ALL,
      8) Reasonable prescription costs,
      9) Ending the Electoral College,
      10)Citizen input on RETAINING Supreme Court Judges,
      !!)Bringing the War to an end

      "Some of the issues that need to be addressed SOON are :

      1) Drivers-Education in ALL schools (Fla)
      2) Cell-phone ban while driving (USA)
      3) Wildfire and Hurricane protection (Fla)

      *My Promise:

      I will give up 1/2 of my salary to help pay for prescription
      drugs for needy seniors and indigent citizens and veterans
      in the district.
      I feel $84,000 take-home pay is more than enough.
      The job currently pays over $168,000 plus.

      * My claim to fame:

      If you've been around these parts long enough...
      you might know me..."I'm almost famous."
      Back in the'80's
      I'm the guy that sat atop the flag-pole in Clearwater
      for a world-record (439days,11hours,6min.) as a
      political protest over the price of gasoline. ..............................................................................................................................

      "I welcome any input... on any issue... that is of
      importantance to the voters."
      "It's time for the citizens of the district to be represented...
      not special interests, lobbiests,and big business."

      "Be Brave....Vote Dave"
      ........................WERDER for US ~ Congress


      Subject :
      WERDER 4 US ~ CONGRESS/ see *ISSUES below

      "The Stump" ~My Intro~

      ~ Ladies and Gentlemen, ~reporters, ~ & fellow readers:
      My name is H."David" Werder (pronounced WORD-er),
      a qualified candidate for U.S. Congress, district 5.
      I am once again a genuinely, bona-fide, on the ballot,
      candidate for a seat in the House of Representatives, and
      I got on the ballot, by the petition method, by collecting
      some 7,228 signatures myself in lieu of paying a filing fee
      of almost $10,000 which I could not afford, for I am not a
      rich man. I also collected about 2,000 signatures for other
      candidates including my own opponents in the upcoming
      elections, for both Democratic and Republican candidates.
      I believe everyone has a right to get on the ballot if they so
      desire, without having to pay exorbitant fees. After all,
      I plan on beating everyone in my race fair and square and
      without having to redraw district lines to do so. (Which was
      done so in the past to win.)
      This is my fourth time running for this position. (two
      times as a write-in candidate, primarily done to get a
      little name recognition going and to get and gain a little
      exposure in the district) and once as an 'on the ballot'
      candidate in which I failed to get past the primary. I
      did, however, garner 12.3% of the vote and I did it
      When folks ask where I live, I tell them I live on
      Powell Rd. in Hernando County. I don't give an
      address because I don't need to (wouldn't help
      for mailing purposes either) because there's no
      mail service there. I receive my mail at my
      moms' in the next county.
      I tell them, I live out on Powell Rd...where the
      'outhouse' and the little church are... where the
      ducks and the geese are... and the chickens
      running loose! And usually I hear, "Oh! That's
      your place!!" Most locals know it. I'm on what
      has become a pretty major backdoor into Spring
      Hill in just a few years. When the traffic is really
      running...it has taken me as long as eight minutes
      to get out of my driveway. Occasionally I hear
      someone say they don't know where I live and
      I tell them...Someday you'll be driving along
      and you'll see an outhouse.. that's where I live
      ...try not to run over my chickens.
      (For the story on the sign on my outhouse
      goto EARLIER BLOG)
      In all my long years I've lived here, I haven't
      lost a single chicken due to the road. What
      I have lost though, is three elections as a
      candidate...and in all of those elections I've
      ALWAYS make the same promise that I make
      now that I'm on the ballot again, and that is;

      *My Promise:

      I will give up 1/2 of my salary
      to help pay for prescription drugs for needy seniors
      and indigent citizens and veterans in the district.
      I feel $84,000 take-home pay is more than enough.
      The job currently pays over $168,000 plus.

      * My claim to fame:

      If you've been around these parts long
      enough...you might know me...
      "I'm almost famous." Back in the'80's
      I'm the guy that sat atop the flag-pole
      in Clearwater for a world-record
      (439days,11hours,6min.) as a political protest
      over the price of gasoline.

      I felt ninety-nine cents a gallon was to much
      at the time. And yes, I am more then willing to
      admit when I've made a mistake about how much
      is to much for a gallon of gas. I also thought $2.86
      a year ago was to much. In fact, gas was only
      $2.38 a gallon when President Bush was elected,
      so I'm told.

      *FYI ! Re: My Pole-Sitting Career ~ Clearwater
      was my seventh (7th) sit. My second (2nd) time for
      the world-record.
      I originally got my start at 'flag-pole-sitting'
      trying to get a break in RADIO. I met a DJ at a
      radio station in Rochester, NY, ( home of the Liberty
      Pole ) by the name of 'Charlie Hamburger' and he
      told me, "If you want to get a break in radio... why
      don't you do what I do... and that is ... every year,
      I climb a pole with my wife and a cat", and the next
      thing I knew... I was sitting atop a flag-pole, a mile
      from 'Iron Mike' at the entrance to Ft. Bragg on
      Bragg Blvd. in Fayetteville, NC. I sat there for
      WFLB* Radio as a protest over the price of gas.
      I started when the truckers went on strike in '78
      and sat for 113 days. I almost died in that attempt
      from Pneumonia, after getting a cold I caught
      sitting through Hurricane David.
      You think that would have taught me a lesson...
      But No-o-o-o !!!

      ***** Radiotelephone Class III with Broadcast Endorsement *****

      Also had employment in broadcast studios for
      Orange County Community College, as night
      manager, until leave of absence for interview
      with KOOK* Radio in Montana.
      Reference for 1978 Sit:
      Larry Cheek; Reporter: Fayetteville Times; Fayetteville, NC


      I will honestly represent you, the constituent, and not
      HMO's, Pharmaceutical concerns, and Insurance companies.

      My hat is finally in the ring for the win. I hope you will
      remember me the next time you fill-up and the next time you vote.

      It shames me to tell you I am not a rich man. I can
      not afford to spend $972,000 to win an election. Last
      time round: the cheapest non-incumbent winner in
      Florida for a Congressional seat spent over $800,000.00,
      the most expensive over $3 million. It's not cheap, nor
      easy; to try and run. That's why I also helped collect
      about 2,600 petition signatures for other candidates,
      including opponents', running in upcoming elections,
      who also couldn't afford it, both democratic and
      republican candidates, also including opponents in
      my upcoming primary. I believe everyone should
      have the right to run, if they so choose, without
      monetary costs restraining them. In my case, the
      filing fee; if you do not get on the ballot by the
      petition method is almost $10,000.00.

      And like all the challengers to the incumbent
      I face; I believe in a revived economy, a
      balanced budget, restoring respect for the
      United States around the world, ending the
      assaults...on medicare, medicaid and social
      security, solving America's health care crisis,
      once and for all.
      The current administration is blowing
      smoke with their 'War on Terrorism', (it's
      another never-ending war, like the war on
      drugs), Immigration,(we already have laws
      on the books), and gay marriage, (of the
      thousands upon thousands of people I've
      spoken with to get on the ballot, maybe?
      10 being gay; not a single one of them was
      concerned with it). What they were
      concerned with, is what all the rest of the
      constituents were concerned with:
      and that is COST !
      The cost of Home-owners insurance.
      The cost of Gasoline.
      The cost of Prescription drugs.
      The cost of Healthcare.
      The cost of Education.
      The cost of Taxes and the War.
      What they want to discuss:
      the economy, energy, healthcare,
      remaining safe and ending the war.
      When it comes to the incumbent,
      I think we can do better.
      The constituents deserve it.
      We need someone who will really
      represent US, the people, not big
      business and lobbyists.
      We need someone who has
      NOT been
      a 'reluctantly' voting 'rubber stamp'.

      If you were to choose an issue
      you'd like to be paying your legislators
      to go b---s to the wall for; chances are it
      isn't gay marriage. These are some of
      the issues and general topics that may,
      or may not, come up in the next congressional
      session. It by no means infers an endorsement
      and neither a pro nor con should be deduced.
      Maybe an issue of yours is here. If not, let me
      know at Werder4UScongress@gmail.com
      so it can be included.

      *YOUR ISSUE ? ~

      ~ Insurance, homeowners and health; environmental
      causes, clean-up funds, pollution, water, alt. forms of
      energy, healthcare, patients rights, pro-life, Terri Shiavo,
      assisted suicide, euthanasia, abortion, adoption reform,
      part D's donut hole, ability to negotiate Rx prices,
      decriminalization, legalization, MMP, Canadian drugs,
      defense, VA hospitals, VA tax credits, champus benefits,
      the draft, prisons, pedophiles, the death penalty, alimony,
      Native American land repatriation, Mars, illegal
      immigrant labor, border security, national and homeland
      security, spyware, wiretapping, anti-terrorism and
      domestic terrorism, repairing the damage some
      incumbents have done at home and abroad,
      restoring fiscal sanity, corruption in gov't, redistricting,
      citizen input on term limits for supreme court justices,
      lobbiests and influence peddling, the electoral college,
      crime, reparations for slavery, NAFTA, the war, WWIII,
      global warming, greenhouse gases, Pakistan, foreign
      control of ports, tariffs, sales tax, postal service, economic
      and rural growth and developement, education, salaries,
      min. wage, inflation, credit, forclosures, bankrupcies,
      outsourcing jobs, privatization, unions, loss of American
      jobs and business overseas, impact fees, identity theft,
      private eyes, rights of fathers, computor scams, guns,
      flag-burning, cloning, stem cell research, hurricane
      preparedness, catastrophic homeowners ins., FEMA,
      the patriot act, HB2640(the disarmament act),
      4-day work week, phone solicitors, spam, separation
      of church and state, human rights and violations, IRS,
      Nudists, Naturalists, Environmentalists, Iran,
      'the draft', English, eminent domain, immigration,
      the fence, motorcyclists rights, hybrid auto's,
      Afghanistan, voter reform to include a paper trail,
      transportation, fed. funding of the commuter rail,
      fair tax, import tax, tax reform, restoration of civil
      rights, lawsuit caps, malpractice ins.,
      CDC/pandemics, a national lottery,
      civil unions/ significant others, developing
      wind and solar energy now, dependance on
      foreign oil, refineries, CAFE standards, oil
      gouging and profiteering, 'splash & flash',
      breaking OPEC, oil co. monopolies,
      'use it or lose it' regarding oil property
      leases, law enforcement, the right to bear ARMS,
      bringing our soldiers home, and an honorable exit
      in Iraq. .......(And MORE being added all the time).

      Issues are not trivial and remain important
      to the constituents. Especially those constituents
      for whom the issue affects!

      *I personally have a penchant regarding
      the price of gas, attested to by my world-record
      sitting atop a flag-pole, done as a political protest
      over the price of gasoline. However, my primary
      fight will be for healthcare for all.

      "I try to keep my hands in my own pockets,
      that way, it keeps them out of yours."

      Land of the free, Home of the brave.
      "BE BRAVE......VOTE DAVE"
      ...............................................for US ~ Congress
      God Bless America
      H. David "the flag-pole sitter" Werder

      I hope you have a picture of me.


      * Some responses to a newspaper...

      1. Troop withdrawal? Immediately? Criteria?
      Withdrawn: YES ! immediately: No. Very soon.
      (Some are on 5th & 6th tours of duty) Draft would put
      and end to it quickly. Iraqi Gov't (as of this date NOW
      wants timeschedule for withdrawal from U.S. Gov't. also.)
      That criteria needs to be met by the next president and
      his/her military advisors.
      'Latest' AP (as of this date) says we are winning
      the war and will soon? be able to recall the numbers of
      troops deployed.

      2. Could you work with those across the isle?
      Yes. (see question 1) & ie oil drillings...

      3. Issues?
      FUEL PRICES, drilling, alternatives, homeowners insurance,
      the WAR, healthcare for all, prescription prices, repealing the
      patriot act, repealing or amending HB2640 (the disarmament
      act), restoring constitutional rights.
      (Please see ISSUES in Bio)

      4. Such a thing as a 'good' earmark?
      Yes. An earmark that can bring help or employement to
      OUR district. ie. as in one that brings federal help with
      commuter rail to our district.
      It might be nice if Congress were given the right to
      'Line Item Veto' earmarks

      5. The best remedy for raising fuel prices ??
      The best remedy for raising ? fuel prices is to do nothing.
      Is that what was meant... or was it... The best remedy to
      lower fuel prices is to: Break OPEC, declare it a monopoly,
      Drill and pump our own oil, possibly a 2nd pipeline in Alaska,
      go nuclear, go electric, go alternative forms of energy.
      (note: theres a story going round that a guy inland from
      Sarasota was digging in his backyard and struck oil...and is
      now going to put in some drilling rigs...any truth to this story...
      if you find out, please let me know)

      6. Is Congress doing a 'constitutional' job? What would
      you do?
      Not. Patriot act is 1600 pages long and it was approved
      faster then it could be read. repeal patriot act, repeal HB2640
      ( the disarmament act), Restore all constitutional rights to our
      citizens, ie. wiretap, computer spyware, reading habit tracking,
      internet tracking, etc.

      7. Some issues that you fault your opponent for?

      *The "PUERTO RICAN" Issue,

      *For awards and medals:
      Not for giving them out, and getting them to, justly deserving
      veterans; but for honoring and listing with the living, just for
      publicity purposes, veterans who have been deceased for
      months and not doing it properly, ie. post-humorously.
      Not that 'Clarence Bailey' (a personal friend) didn't deserve one,
      but for bringing out, and padding, these long lists right before
      election times. It makes me wonder how many more dead
      are on the lists...I would have never known this ...if he hadn't
      been a friend.

      *For not raising her hand or voice and requesting
      a recorded vote on HB 2640 ( the disarmament act).
      All it would have taken is her one input and we would
      formally know where our representatives stood on this
      impotant issue. As it stands now, there is NO record to
      show how our Rep's voted.
      Her 'reluctantly ' (as she puts it) Rubber Stamping.

      *Voting AGAINST the G.I. bill she co-sponsored.

      8. Can we stop Orlando's growth...growth that may take
      away our 'Nature Coast' descriptive title? (an Orlando question)
      I don't know that we can. Orlando's growth and sprawl
      has now made the jump over the mountain from Clermont
      into Groveland and is still growing. It's hard to envision
      being able to deny people the right to use one's own
      property. Possibly the Withalacochee State Forest will end
      up being the barrier that will contain it. Thank goodness
      for that being in place

      9. Raise taxes or cut services?
      I do not support raising taxes OR cutting services and
      support other options(see question #10 answer). The
      amount of money being spent on the 'wars' are atrocious,
      and could be better spent somewhere else. Should we
      be forced to choose, law enforcement or play
      grounds; I don't want to cut either...but if I had
      no choice...we'd have to find somewhere else to play.

      10. Fair Tax?
      I do not support the fair tax ...because it is not fair.
      I would support an IMPORT TAX. This is how the gov't
      used to be funded. That is to say a tax on all goods being
      imported INTO the country. It could do away with the
      income tax, level the playing field on cheap prices from
      overseas producing nations, keeping jobs AND industries
      here in the United States.

      Subject : PBAssoc.

      *Perhaps the federal gov't could provide support for state
      and local law enforcement agencies by allowing them easier
      access to National Guard Forces when they need them.
      ie. " Katrina "

      *I do not support the concept of prison privatization.

      *I would support, if neccessary, full congressional hearings
      on the subject of privatization of prisons before further
      privatization is done on the federal level. However
      I DO NOT support the privatization of 'anything'.

      *If war was over, it would free up many who could
      be used to protect and secure our borders as well as
      help in drug interdiction.

      * Efforts to stem the source of the drug problem,
      ie foreign countries and their responsibilities toward
      the problem need to be addressed and dealt with.
      Ending the war would free up soldiers who could
      also be used in this matter; helping foreign countries
      in stopping the source of, and supply of ingredients
      used in the production, also RICO, going after the
      'top' people and/or Governments responsible.

      *Federal assistance to state and local governments
      in local efforts against the drug problem may become
      necessary considering the fact that too many state
      and local agencies are cutting back their support and
      budgets involving law enforcement and...just about
      everything. With regard to domestic drug production:
      We haven't even considering the fact involving
      hazardous materials et. al. and pollution by said

      *I would support the introduction of legislature in
      Congress that would reduce the many court delays
      now present in the carrying out of a death sentance.

      *I would support legislation which expands the list
      of federal crimes for which the death penalty applies.

      *I am against taxation of American citizens' in any
      form, with the exception of an 'Import Tax'.
      (see BIO below)

      *I would support legislation in Congress, that
      guarantees the right of all federal, state and local
      officers, the right of collective bargaining.

      *If your organization chooses to support my
      candidacy, you have my permission to announce
      that support....However, I would hope that you
      let me know first. I'd would hate to find out about
      it reading it in the paper or being told by someone
      other than yourselves.

      Thanking you for your consideration,
      ... Dave


      A few other questions I've been asked...
      *What would be your top priorities in Washington?
      Healthcare, energy, the economy, and the war.
      (See issues in BIO)

      *Briefly, what makes you the best candidate
      to represent your district?
      More "in touch" with constituents, not a 'rubber' stamp,
      willing to represent everyone, not just HMO's, insurance,
      big business, and lobbiests who finance her campaigns,
      and will do it without having to 'gerrymander' district
      lines to win (the way she did).
      (See BIO for more)

      *Are you in favor of drilling for oil
      nearer the Florida coast than is presently allowed?
      Yes !!! (*NOTE- "ONLY" if every Floridian receives a
      dividend check the way the do in Alaska). There would
      have to be some sort of residency time requirement -
      so not to creat a stampede into Fla. Must also be out
      of sight. Would also help housing market. Oil industry
      already has leases in the gulf and are not using them
      resulting in the idea to make a law regarding leases
      ...USE IT OR LOSE IT !!! There are many other
      alternatives available also such as, wind, solar, wave,
      nat.gas, hydrogen, electric nuclear,etc. If industry
      declared a monopoly it may be possible to regulate
      the price through a public service commision as they
      do for electric, phone, water, cable, etc. .
      (see BIO for more thoughts)

      Subject :


      I will die a democrat...
      I am a democrat this time...
      I was a democrat the time before...
      The time before that I was a democrat.
      The year preceding that, I switched parties
      some twenty some odd times, depending on
      who said what.
      They make me sign a loyalty oath now,
      swearing I will not change parties for a
      specified period of time.
      In that one year I was also in the green
      party, and attended veterans party meetings
      I was born a democrat...
      One, who wishes to represent everyone.

      I do not believe they should have
      moved the primary date forward causing
      all the problems with the Fla primary.
      So much in fact that I spent way to much
      time learning lawyer-ing stuff I did not want
      to know in the last half year. And not enough
      collecting petition signatures to get on the ballot ...
      and I almost didn't make it because of it.
      I was in federal court in Tallahassee in Jan.
      following up on the original lawsuit filed
      by Victor Diamato vs Fla Dem party & Nat Dem
      party to get primary date moved back
      (35 pages) (Show Cause)
      then Sen Nelson & Cong. Hastings (535 pages)
      (citing disenfranchisement not civil)
      .......culminating with 'Jon Ausmans'' suit
      in Tallahassee (Restraining Order)
      naming governor. republicans and
      finally the sec. of state Kirk Browning who's
      now the head of the div. of elections in that
      position .
      It was a restraining order in the last case and
      it failed , judge cited early voting had already
      started to take place.....also told us,
      IF we had started out in the beginning with
      the division of elections instead of working
      our way up thru the parties etc...that he
      would have done it.
      Well you as a Fla. voter should know where
      we as voters stand on that now.
      Another fine mess we've gotten ourselves into.

      With regards to where I stand on issues
      ...shouldn't matter.

      I am running to represent ALL
      in the 5th congressional district.
      The only promise I make is in regards
      to my salary and Rx drugs.
      Its the ONLY thing I have any control over
      at this time.
      I don't believe the fruits of my labor
      should be driven by my own agenda.

      * These are a few of MY pet projects...

      .doing away with the electoral college
      (every vote counts)
      .term limits on sup. ct. judges ? (citizen input)
      should we keep (as in Fla)
      .4 day workweek
      .drilling in the gulf ONLY if every Fla citizen
      gets a dividend check (as Alaska)
      .no income tax, back to import tax
      as in beginning of USA.the fed. reserve. (as of today,
      Canadian money, was more valuable)
      ."splash & flash" subsidies ~ look it up,
      involves 1galBio for 99gal diesel and
      calling it green and .shipping it
      Overseas to guess where?
      .the war in irak
      .iran pakistan
      .HB 2640
      also known as "the disarmament act"
      .health care for all
      *redistricting issues
      .homeowners ins.
      .impact fees
      *putting the library of congress
      on the internet
      .30% plus interest on credit cards
      .a moonbase first not mars
      .motorcyclists rights
      .all students books available for/in laptops
      .Rx costs
      .we've started to see tons of foreclosures,
      bankrupcies will be next
      .the cost of petroleum
      .the cost of diesel fuel relative to gas
      ...and I'm sure I have plenty more
      as I am sure you do to...

      Well those are just some of the things
      that interest me...
      and that won't mean a hill of beens IF
      none of them ever get to the floor and
      can even be addressed
      where are you on...won't matter if it
      doesn't get brought to the floor and
      to do that one has to get it to commttee etc.
      Alot of what will get looked at is already
      in the works.
      and as a freshman I will have to learn
      the ropes and hope that I get appointed
      to the right committees.

      So that brings us back..
      to me.. representing YOU.
      ...anything that you want addressed,
      or think I should be made aware of
      ...please feel free to let me know
      about it...and on that note also,
      IF I do get elected, and there
      is anything that I can personally
      do 'for you' in my position as
      your representative...
      Do not think twice about contacting me.

      gotta go...
      ...I'm trying? to raise a million dollars
      ...5 dollars at a time...@:
      c/o 18419 Whitacre Circle, Hudson, FL 34667

      ..............H. David "the flagpole sitter" Werder
      ....................................................................for US ~ Congress

      PS~It has been said:
      *In the US of A there are approximately
      4,600,000 million laws on the books....
      and we've yet to improve on the first 10,
      the 10 commandments; from 2,000+ years ago.

      Well, I hope all this got through to you.
      Thanks for taking the time and taking a look........
      and finally ....Internet Users, Information seekers, et. al.,
      ...."Are you by any chance a registered voter?
      ..........(in my district?)"....
      District includes: ALL of Hernando, Citrus, and Sumter counties,
      and parts of Pasco, Polk, Lake, Marion, and Levy.



      Subject :


      21 July 2008 4:20E

      to: Whom it may concern:

      ..........For your information regarding candidate
      re: Candidate BIO / Info


      To: Ladies & Gentlemen:
      This info is being provided for those of
      you that have 'Web Sites', 'Political Sections' or for those that would just
      like a little more information regarding my political campaign. If you do
      have specific questionaires that need filled out, PLEASE, let me know.
      ...Send them to me ASAP.
      If you have specific questions please also get in touch.

      Please make sure you note 'how name will appear on ballot'
      & reflect the Fact: I "AM" a qualified candidate !!!

      It is also being posted to satisfy the need heard by a visitor,
      who stated... this site didn't tell them anything...
      Well I hope it tells them some more now!

      "BE BRAVE... ...VOTE DAVE"

      ~ My Bio

      * Please note: This IS how candidate name will appear on ballot

      * Candidate: WERDER; H. David "the flag-pole sitter"

      Office Seeking: U.S. House of Representatives Florida's 5th Congressional District

      Party Affiliation: Democrat

      Address: General Delivery, Weeki Wachee, Fl 34606-0000
      NO MAIL SERVICE yet at Present Address
      ............* Mail Address: mail is c/o: 18419 Whitacre Circle, Hudson, Fla. 34667
      Home Phone Number: ***-***-****
      Business Number: (727)-862-3377 contact phone (message)

      E-Mail: <Werder4UScongress@gmail.com>WEB: Werder4UScongress@blogspot.com

      ........... * 'Watch the story' (2 min.)
      ........... & 'More about campaign' (link)

      Length in City/State: 19 years / 30 years

      Gender: Male

      Family: Single

      Birth Date: 1 February 1955

      Birthplace: Newton, NJ

      Home City: Weeki Wachee, FL

      Education: Attended, St. Columba School
      ....................Attended, John S. Burke C.H.S.
      ....................Attended, Orange County Comm. College
      ....................Attended, Virginia Military Institute

      Professional Experience: DISABLED, since 1993, former truck driver
      ............................................Self-employed trucker, 1984-1993
      ............................................Flag-pole sitter 1982-1984 (political protest over price of gasoline)
      ............................................Self-employed trucker, 1979-1982
      ........................................Security/Protection-Capitol Investigation & Protective, Falls Church, Va.

      Political Experience: Candidate, United States House of Representatives, District 5, 2006
      .....................................Candidate, United States House of Representatives, District 5, 2004
      .....................................Candidate, United States House of Representatives, District 5, 2002
      .....................................Candidate, United States House of Representatives, District 9, 1982
      .....................................Mayoral Candidate, City of Clearwater FL 1980's

      Organizations: ABATE of Florida (Freedom chapter), Christian Motorcycle Assoc. (CMA)
      ...........................ABATE of Florida (Hillsborough chapter)
      ...........................Toastmasters International / Nature Coast Orators

      Organizational member: Chamber of Commerce

      ............................................Democratic Executive Committee of Hernando (DEC)


      Honors: Certified Toastmaster with Nature Coast Orators
      ...............Humorous Speech Award with Toastmasters International

      Hobbies: Motorcyclist/Train enthusiast/CarLover*
      ................*until recently the owner of a red 1909 Horseless Carriage (stolen),
      *$2,000.00 REWARD offered for info leading to my campaign vehicle return

      My Promise:

      "I promise to give up 1/2 of my salary to help pay for prescription drugs for needy seniors, indigent citizens and veterans in the district."

      "I am willing to dedicate myself to the job at hand with the same dedication that I showed in my youth, when I sat atop the flag-pole in Clearwater, Fl for over a year for the world-record (439days,11hours,6min.) without coming down, as a political protest over the price of gasoline. I thought .99/gal. was to much at the time."

      "The 4 MAIN issues being discussed seem to be:

      1) The economy
      2) Energy
      3) Healthcare
      4) The War"

      "SOME of the issues that need to be addressed NOW are :

      1) Home-owners insurance,
      2) Allowing voters votes to count as intended,
      3) Accurate voting tabulation,
      4) Election & campaign finance reform,
      5) Gerrymandering of district lines,
      6) Fuel Prices,
      7) Healthcare for ALL,
      8) Reasonable prescription costs,
      9) Ending the Electoral College,
      10)Citizen input on RETAINING Supreme Court Judges,
      !!)Bringing the War to an end"

      "Some of the issues that need to be addressed SOON are :

      1) Drivers-Education in ALL schools (Fla)
      2) Cell-phone ban while driving (USA)
      3) Wildfire and Hurricane protection (Fla)"

      "I welcome any input... on any issue... that is of importantance to the voters."
      "It's time for the citizens of the district to be represented... not special interests, lobbiests, and big business."

      "Be Brave....Vote Dave"
      .....................................for US ~ Congress

      ..................H. David "the flag-pole sitter" Werder

      - Do you ... have a picture of me ? Yes/No

      Some responses to a recent questionaire....2008 Campaign

      1. Troop withdrawal? Immediately? Criteria?
      Withdrawn: YES ! immediately: No. Very soon.(Some are on 5th & 6th tours of duty) Draft would put and end to it quickly. Iraqi Gov't (as of this date NOW wants timeschedule for withdrawal from U.S. Gov't. also.)
      That criteria needs to be met by the next president and his/her military advisors.

      2. Could you work with those across the isle?
      Yes. (see question 1) & ie oil drillings...

      3. Issues?
      FUEL PRICES, drilling, alternatives, homeowners insurance, the WAR, healthcare for all, prescription prices, repealing the patriot act, repealing or amending HB2640 (the disarmament act), restoring constitutional rights. (Please see ISSUES in Bio)

      4. Such a thing as a 'good' earmark?
      Yes. An earmark that can bring help or employement to OUR district.
      ie. as in one that brings federal help with commuter rail to our district.
      It might be nice if Congress were given the right to 'Line Item Veto' earmarks

      5. The best remedy for raising fuel prices ??
      The best remedy for raising ? fuel prices is to do nothing. Is that what was meant... or was it... The best remedy to lower fuel prices is to: Break OPEC, declare it a monopoly, Drill and pump our own oil, possibly a 2nd pipeline in Alaska, go nuclear, go electric, go alternative forms of energy.
      (note: theres a story going round that a guy inland from Sarasota was digging in his backyard and struck oil...and is now going to put in some drilling rigs...any truth to this story...if you find out, please let me know)

      6. Is Congress doing a 'constitutional' job? What would you do?
      Not. Patriot act is 1600 pages long and it was approved faster then it could be read. repeal patriot act, repeal HB2640 ( the disarmament act), Restore all constitutional rights to our citizens, ie. wiretap, computer spyware, reading habit tracking, internet tracking, etc.

      7. Three issues that you fault your opponent for?

      *The "PUERTO RICAN" Issue,

      *For awards and medals:
      Not for giving them out, and getting them to, justly deserving veterans;
      but for honoring and listing with the living, just for publicity purposes, veterans who have been deceased for months and not doing it properly,
      ie. post-humorously. Not that 'Clarence Bailey' (a personal friend) didn't deserve one, but for bringing out, and padding, these long lists right before election times. It makes me wonder how many more dead are on the lists...I would have never known this ...if he hadn't been a friend.

      *For not raising her hand or voice and requesting a recorded vote on HB 2640 ( the disarmament act). All it would have taken is her one input and we would formally know where our representatives stood on this impotant issue. As it stands now there is NO record to how our Rep's voted. Her 'reluctantly ' (as she puts it) Rubber Stamping.

      8. Can we stop Orlando's growth...growth that may take away our 'Nature Coast' descriptive title? (an Orlando question)
      I don't know that we can. Orlando's growth and sprawl has now made the jump over the mountain from Clermont into Groveland and is still growing. It's hard to envision being able to deny people the right to use one's own property. Possibly the Withalacochee State Forest will end up being the barrier that will contain it. Thank goodness for that being in place

      9. Raise taxes or cut services?
      I do not support raising taxes OR cutting services and support other options(see question #10 answer). The amount of money being spent on the 'wars' are atrocious, and could be better spent somewhere else. Should we be forced to choose, law enforcement or play grounds; I don't want to cut either...but if I had no choice...we'd have to find somewhere else to play.

      10. Fair Tax?
      I do not support the fair tax ...because it is not fair.
      I would support an IMPORT TAX. This is how the gov't used to be funded.
      That is to say a tax on all goods being imported INTO the country. It could do away with the income tax, level the playing field on cheap prices from overseas producing nations, keeping jobs AND industries here in the United States.



      If you have a photo of me place it here.

      Candidate Photo-
      WERDER; H. David (the flag-pole sitter)
      Subject :
      WERDER 4 US ~ CONGRESS/ see *ISSUES below

      "The Stump" ~My Intro~

      ~ Ladies and Gentlemen, ~reporters, ~ fellow readers:
      My name is H."David" Werder (pronounced WORD-er), a qualified candidate for U.S. Congress, district 5. I am once again a genuinely, bona-fide, on the ballot, candidate for a seat in the House of Representatives, and I got on the ballot, by the petition method, by collecting some 7,228 signatures myself in lieu of paying a filing fee of almost $10,000 which I could not afford, for I am not a rich man. I also collected about 2,000 signatures for other candidates including my own opponents in the upcoming elections, for both Democratic and Republican candidates. I believe everyone has a right to get on the ballot if they so desire, without having to pay exorbitant fees. After all, I plan on beating everyone in my race fair and square and without having to redraw district lines to do so. (Which was done so in the past to win.)
      This is my fourth time running for this position. (two times as a write-in candidate, primarily done to get a little name recognition going and to get and gain a little exposure in the district) and once as an 'on the ballot' candidate in which I failed to get past the primary. I did, however, garner 12.3% of the vote and I did it WITHOUT SPENDING A SINGLE CENT. When folks ask where I live, I tell them I live on Powell Rd. in Hernando County. I don't give an address because I don't need to (wouldn't help for mailing purposes either) because there's no mail service there. I receive my mail at my moms' in the next county. I tell them, I live out on Powell Rd...where the 'outhouse' and the little church are... where the ducks and the geese are... and the chickens running loose! And usually I hear, "Oh! That's your place!!" Most locals know it. I'm on what has become a pretty major backdoor into Spring Hill in just a few years. When the traffic is really running...it has taken me as long as eight minutes to get out of my driveway. Occasionally I hear someone say they don't know where I live and I tell them...Someday you'll be driving along and you'll see an outhouse.. that's where I live...try not to run over my chickens.
      *(For story on the sign on outhouse look somewhere in the rest of this blogspot)
      In all my long years I've lived here, I haven't lost a single chicken due to the road. What I have lost though, is three elections as a candidate...and in all of those elections I've ALWAYS make the same promise that I make now that I'm on the ballot again, and that is;

      ....................*My Promise:

      I will give up 1/2 of my salary to help pay for prescription drugs for needy seniors and indigent citizens and veterans in the district.
      I feel $84,000 take-home pay is more than enough. The job currently pays over $168,000 plus.

      ...................* My claim to fame:

      If you've been around these parts long enough...you might know me..."I'm almost famous." Back in the'80's, in my youth, I'm the guy that sat atop the flag-pole in Clearwater for a
      world-record (439days,11hours,6min.) as a political protest over the price of gasoline.

      I felt ninety-nine cents a gallon was to much at the time. And yes, I am more then willing to admit when I've made a mistake about how much is to much for a gallon of gas. I also thought $2.86 a year ago was to much. In fact, gas was only $2.38 a gallon when President Bush was elected, so I'm told.

      I will honestly represent you, the constituent, and not HMO's, Pharmaceutical concerns, and Insurance companies.

      My hat is finally in the ring for the win. I hope you will remember me the next time you fill-up and the next time you vote.


      It shames me to tell you I am not a rich man. I can not afford to spend $972,000 to win an election. Last time round the cheapest winner spent over $800,000, the most expensive over $3 million. It's not cheap, or easy, to try and run. That's why I also helped collect about 2,000 petition signatures for others running in upcoming elections, who also couldn't afford it, both democratic and republican candidates, including my opponents in the primary.

      And like all the challengers to the incumbent I face;
      I believe in a revived economy,
      a balanced budget,
      restoring respect for the United States around the world,
      ending the assaults...on medicare, medicaid and social security,
      solving America's health care crisis, once and for all.

      The current administration is blowing smoke with their
      'War on Terrorism', (it's another never-ending war, like the war on drugs),
      Immigration,(we already have laws on the books), and
      gay marriage, (of the thousands upon thousands of people I've spoken with to get on the ballot, maybe? 10 being openly gay; not a single one of them was concerned with it).
      What they were concerned with, is what all the rest of the constituents were concerned with: and that is COST !
      The cost of Home-owners insurance.
      The cost of Gasoline.
      The cost of Prescription drugs.
      The cost of Healthcare.
      The cost of Education.
      The cost of Taxes and the War.

      What they want to discuss:
      the economy,
      remaining safe and
      ending the war.

      When it comes to the incumbent, I think we can do better. The constituents deserve it.
      We need someone who will really represent US, the people, not big business and lobbyists.
      We need someone who has NOT been a 'reluctantly' voting 'rubber stamp'.


      If you were to choose an issue you'd like to be paying your legislators to go b---s to the wall for; chances are it isn't gay marriage. These are some of the issues and general topics that may, or may not, come up in the next congressional session.
      It by no means infers an endorsement and neither a pro nor con should be deduced.
      Maybe an issue of yours is here. If not, let me know at Werder4UScongress@gmail.com so it can be included.

      .............YOUR ISSUE ? ~

      ~ Insurance, homeowners and health; environmental causes, clean-up funds, pollution, water, alt. forms of energy, healthcare, patients rights, pro-life, Terri Shiavo, assisted suicide, euthanasia, abortion, adoption reform, part D's donut hole, ability to negotiate Rx prices, decriminalization, legalization, MMP, Canadian drugs, defense, VA hospitals, VA tax credits, champus benefits, the draft, prisons, pedophiles, the death penalty, alimony, Native American land repatriation, Mars, illegal immigrant labor, border security, national and homeland security, spyware, wiretapping, anti-terrorism and domestic terrorism, repairing the damage some incumbents have done at home and abroad, restoring fiscal sanity, corruption in gov't, redistricting, citizen input on term limits for supreme court justices, lobbiests and influence peddling, the electoral college, crime, reparations for slavery, NAFTA, the war, WWIII, global warming, greenhouse gases, Pakistan, foreign control of ports, tariffs, sales tax, postal service, economic and rural growth and developement, education, salaries, min. wage, inflation, credit, forclosures, bankrupcies, outsourcing jobs, privatization, unions, loss of American jobs and business overseas, impact fees, identity theft, private eyes, rights of fathers, computor scams, guns, flag-burning, cloning, stem cell research, hurricane preparedness, catastrophic homeowners ins., FEMA, the patriot act, HB2640(the disarmament act), 4-day work week, phone solicitors, spam, separation of church and state, human rights and violations, IRS, Nudists, Naturalists, Environmentalists, Iran, 'the draft', English, eminent domain, immigration, the fence, motorcyclists rights, hybrid auto's, Afghanistan, voter reform to include a paper trail, transportation, fed. funding of the commuter rail, fair tax, import tax, tax reform, restoration of civil rights, lawsuit caps, malpractice ins., CDC/pandemics, a national lottery, civil unions/ significant others, developing wind and solar energy now, dependance on foreign oil, refineries, CAFE standards, oil gouging and profiteering, 'splash & flash', breaking OPEC, oil co. monopolies, 'use it or lose it' regarding oil property leases, law enforcement, bringing our soldiers home, and an honorable exit in Iraq.

      Issues are not trivial and remain important to the constituents. Especially those constituents for whom the issue affects!

      *I personally have a penchant regarding the price of gas, attested to by my world-record sitting atop a flag-pole, done as a political protest over the price of gasoline.
      However, my primary fight will be for healthcare for all.

      "I try to keep my hands in my own pockets, that way, it keeps them out of yours"

      Land of the free, Home of the brave.

      "BE BRAVE......VOTE DAVE"
      .............................................for US ~ Congress

      God Bless America

      I will die a democrat...
      I am a democrat this time...
      I was a democrat the time before...
      The time before that I was a democrat.
      The year preceding that, I switched parties some twenty some odd times, depending on who said what.
      They make me sign a loyalty oath now, swearing I will not change parties for a specified period of time.
      In that one year I was also in the green party, and attended veterans party meetings also.
      I was born a democrat... One, who wishes to represent everyone.

      I do not believe they should have moved the primary date forward causing all the problems with the Fla primary.
      So much in fact that I spent way to much time learning lawyer-ing stuff I did not want to know in the last half year. And not enough collecting petition signatures to get on the ballot ... and I almost didn't make it because of it.
      I was in federal court in Tallahassee in Jan.
      following up on the original lawsuit filed by Victor Diamato vs Fla Dem party & Nat Dem party to get primary date moved back (35 pages) (Show Cause)
      then Sen Nelson & Cong. Hastings (535 pages) (citing disenfranchisement not civil)
      .......culminating with 'Jon Ausmans'' suit in Tallahassee (Restraining Order)
      naming governor. republicans and
      finally the sec. of state Kirk Browning who's now the head of the div. of elections in that position .
      It was a restraining order in the last case and it failed , judge cited early voting had already started to take place.....also told us,
      IF we had started out in the beginning with the division of elections instead of working our way up thru the parties etc...that he would have done it.
      Well you as a Fla. voter should know where we as voters stand on that now.
      Another fine mess we've gotten ourselves into.

      With regards to where I stand on issues...shouldn't matter.
      WHERE YOU STAND ON THEM SHOULD.I am running to represent ALL in the 5th congressional district.
      The only promise I make is in regards to my salary and Rx drugs.
      Its the ONLY thing I have any control over at this time.
      I don't believe the fruits of my labor should be driven by my own agenda.

      These are a few of MY pet subjects...
      doing away with the electoral college (every vote counts)
      term limits on sup. ct. judges ? (citizen input) should we keep (as in Fla)
      4 day workweek
      drilling in the gulf ONLY if every Fla citizen gets a dividend check (as Alaska)
      no income tax, back to import tax as in beginning of USAthe fed. reserve. (as of today, Canadian money, was more valuable)
      "splash & flash" subsidies ~ look it up, involves 1galBio for 99gal diesel and calling it green and shipping it Overseas to guess where?
      the war irak
      iran, pakistan
      HB 2640 also known as "the disarmament act"
      health care for all
      redistricting issues
      homeowners ins.
      impact fees
      putting the library of congress on the internet
      30% plus interest on credit cards
      a moonbase first not mars
      motorcyclists rights
      all students books available for/in laptops
      Rx costs
      we've started to see tons of foreclosures, bankrupcies will be next
      the cost of petroleum
      the cost of diesel fuel relative to gas
      ...and I'm sure I have plenty more
      as I am sure you do to...

      Well those are just some of the things that interest me...
      and that won't mean a hill of beens IF none of them ever get to the floor and can even be addressed
      where are you on...won't matter if it doesn't get brought to the floor and to do that one has to get it to commttee etc
      alot of what will get looked at is already in the works.
      and as a freshman I will have to learn the ropes and hope that I get appointed to the right committees.

      So that brings us back to me representing YOU.
      ...anything that you want addressed or think I should be made aware of...
      please feel free to let me know about it...and on that note also, IF I do get elected, and there is anything that I can personally do for you in my position as your representative...
      Do not think twice about contacting me.

      gotta go...
      ...I'm trying? to raise a million dollars.
      ...5 dollars at a time...@: WERDER c/o 18419 Whitacre Circle, Hudson, FL 34667


      ....................H. David "the flagpole sitter" Werder
      for US ~ Congress

      PS~It has been said:
      *In the US of A there are approximately 4,600,000 million laws on the books....
      and we've yet to improve on the first 10, from 2,000+ years ago.

      Well, I hope all this I got through to this blogspot.

      Thanks for taking a look........ and finally ....

      ...."Are you by any chance a registered voter?..........(in my district?)"....

      District includes: ALL of Hernando, Citrus, and Sumter counties, and parts of Pasco, Polk, Lake, Marion, and Levy.


      * Bio & Profile / 11 October 2012 16:16

      Werder4US~Congress /  Bio & Profile /  Oct 11, 2012  16:16

      If 'you' know anyone else
      who might be interested in this,
      or who may be able to use this info;
      Please forward it to them or let them know about it.
      Thank you for your interest in my campaign.

      Thanking you in advance for any assistance you may be able to offer in this endeavor.

      .......................H.David Werder
      ...............................................Candidate for US ~ Congress

      Florida 2012 Election Center

      H. David Werder
      Candidate for U.S. House of Representatives
      District 11

      Birthdate: Feb. 1, 1955
      Birth Place: Newton, NJ, United States
      Residence: Spring Hill, FL
      Religion: Catholic
      Gender: Male


      Party: Democratic
      State: Florida
      Office: House
      District: District 11
      Status: Challenger
      Next Election: 2012


      Orange County Community College
      Undergraduate: Virginia Military Institute
      Degree: Attended

      David Werder was born in Newton, N.J., and currently resides in Spring Hill, Fla. He attended Virginia Military Institute but did not graduate.
      Werder is a disabled former self-employed trucker.
      A perennial candidate, Werder ran for mayor of Clearwater in 1981 and has run for the U.S. House, either as a Democrat or as a write-in candidate, seven times including 2012.
      Werder is also known as a political protester and flagpole sitter. Werder spent 439 days, 11 hours and six minutes sitting atop a 30-foot flagpole from Nov. 7, 1982, until Jan. 21, 1984, at a Clearwater appliance store to protest the price of gasoline, then $1.20 a gallon.
      Werder is single.


      David Werder is running for the U.S. House for the seventh time, but he notes 2012 is the first time he didn't have a primary opponent. Werder is challenging incumbent Republican Rep. Rich Nugent in Florida's 11th Congressional District north of Tampa.
      Werder has made energy independence his signature issue. Unlike most Democrats he favors more oil drilling "offshore, onshore." He also advocates solar, wind and other renewable energy sources. "I'd like to see it all," he said. As for other issues, Werder said he favors a national health care program rather than the 2010 health care reform bill.
      Werder got on the ballot by petition and has not raised any money. He's hoping to emulate tea party favorite Ted Yoho, who unseated 12-term incumbent Rep. Cliff Stearns in the 2012 Republican primary in a neighboring Florida district.
      When Werder ran in 2008 state election officials agreed to list him on the ballot as "H. David 'the flagpole sitter' Werder." In 2012, he'll appear without the nickname.
      Mr. Werder is an award winning, "Certified" Toastmaster.
      He is also a long-standing member of 'ABATE of Florida'; a Florida 'motorcycle-rights' organization.

      Jobs, jobs, and more jobs,
      Economic prosperity & debt reduction.
      Not another recession,
      credit downgrade,
      or the collapse of medicare, medicaid or social security.

    • Energy independence will give US jobs.

    • We cannot allow the shut down of domestic oil production.
      This would bring the American economy to its' knees.
      The US could become a net exporter of oil & natural gas in the near future.
      America could be energy independent, which would mean jobs & an American Renaissance.
      Rising gas prices will stall any recovery that we anticipate.
      Rising gas prices affect other things like food prices. As fuel costs increase, food prices also increase; along with everything else.

      • It seems to me that when gas prices were hitting $4.00/gal four years ago... That this may have been the trigger that started the real estate bubble bursting.
      • We need to keep down the cost of college tuitions.
      • 'DRIVE WHEN DRIVING', address distractions, such as texting and driving.
      • Gov't should stop writing bills that few read and even fewer understand.
      • Call for the elimination of the electoral college.
      • And every so many years a... "Do you wish to retain this judge vote?" for supreme court justices.
      • Budget proposals should cut spending and taxes.

      • We have a healthcare system that is bankrupting the US like the Titanic.
      • Rx costs are skyrocketing, along with healthcare costs...
        Now and where these insurance costs will be, for healthcare, Rx, homeowners and the like; years down the road if unchecked...
        We need to get profit out of the healthcare industry before it destroys US.

      • If Veterans hospitals are good enough for vets, they are good enough for everyone. (the federal hospital system)
      • I'd like to propose a tripling of the budgets (at a minimum) for the VA hospital systems. The wars will end and even more defense budget money will then be available. These funds can be used to expand the VA system and be used to open even more hospitals.
        Soldiers will be returning home and will need these services.

      • Instead of paying insurance companies, who are in healthcare to make profits;
      • I propose the federal gov't hospital system start seeing ALL people currently having their healthcare insurance paid for by the US gov't. instead of paying private, for profit groups. Instead of throwing money away to overcharging Insurance companies, the gov't could pay themselves and save money for a change.

      • Charge foodstamp recipients if their children are being fed in schools.

        • Am calling for a HOLY WAR against radical extremists.

        People that kill are soldiers, hang them from bridges and dance; People that drag our ambassadors out of their embassies and stomp them to death; people that want death to Americans; are not our friends.
        If they want a Holy War we should give them one...
        Not one with guns and bullets, but one of sanctions and prayer.
        I'm asking any and all who will, to pray. To pray that these radical-extremists will have dreams, and that their dreams will be of "Jesus" ...and that they will become enlightened. These people live in countries where the're dogs have more freedom, rights, and liberties than woman; And this is just not right.

        Running as a democrat, I find I have to defend myself often. Not all democrats are the same.
        I wish to be a fiscally responsible Democrat who believes in
        "Less Gov't...Less Taxes".


        Things my opponent has done wrong.

        I can list things youv'e done wrong since you took office.
        Maybe not all of them...but at least a few.

        Since you took office...
        the economy is worse,
        the unemployment rate is worse,
        our national debt has soared out of sight,
        runaway spending,
        a failure to repeal the Patriot Act,
        a Homeland Security that has overstepped its' boundries,
        and have kept us mired in Wars.

        You have failed to improve conditions for millions of jobless Americans,
        including those who reside in this district.

        It was you and others in Congress...
        that created the debt ceiling
        that caused the downgrading of our countries credit,
        that created policies that coddled and cut taxes for the wealthy.
        It was not the poor that got us into this great recession;
        nor the persistant poor,
        nor the new poor,
        nor the 'working' poor,
        nor the newly jobless poor.
        These are folks who are ignored and rendered invisible.
        They are not poor because they want to be.

        There are approximately 150 million poor and near poor.
        Nearly 1/3 of the American Middle Class has fallen into
        poverty and this has become a crisis.
        You are not a champion for the working class.

        We are currently paying 40 cents interest for every dollar
        We are saddling our children & our childrens' children with
        $50,000 in debt per person, at present.
        You have allowed liabilities that cannot ever be repaid.

        Many previous homeowners in the district walked away from
        far too many houses when banks failed to write down principles
        on homes that had lost value when the housing bubble burst.
        Banks, forclosed, rather than compromise;
        and failed to keep families in place in their bank owned homes.

        At least twice you voted against, and refused to endorse,
        any assistance to homeowners that was sponsored
        by the federal government in the American Recovery Act.

        You failed to stop...
        Homeowners Insurance Rates; that were allowed to go
        thru the roof, unchecked, aidding to and letting in this reign of home losses.

        I've been told you want fewer regulations on Wall Street;
        Which could hurt seniors and retirees,
        as well as the younger population trying to invest for their future.
        You have backed plans that would cut into popular programs.
        You have wanted to radically change medicare.
        You have entertained putting social security funds into the stock market,
        and also the notion of privatizing social security;
        which could risk or put this program and its funds in further jeopardy.

        Since you have been in office representing this district...
        You did pass some revenue reductions
        ...mostly tax breaks for wealthy Americans (1%'s)
        & you have gotten us 7 trillion more dollars in debt.
        This, from a candidate who professes:
        "Less Gov't...Less Taxes".
        "Be Brave......Vote Dave"